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Describes the state of all individual reusable assets at specific point in time.


Field Name Data Type Required Description
asset_id UUID Yes Unique identifier
asset_type UUID Yes Single asset_type_id for this asset
in_reuse Boolean Yes Is the asset live (within date_range), or has it been decommissioned?
latest_activity UUID No Single activity_id for the most recent (within date_range) activity in reuse cycle that this individual asset passed through
latest_activity_date DateTime No When most recent activity (within date_range) was tracked
latest_activity_location Object No Location object of the most recent activity (within date_range)
completed_cycle_count Number No Count of the number of times (within date_range) this individual asset has completed the reuse cycle
other_ref String No Does the asset hold any additional referencing? i.e. batch code, expiration date etc
decommission_reason String No If the asset has been decommissioned, why?
